
Saturday, February 25, 2012

BOOK NEWS: Lover Reborn preview ~ Spoilers

*assumes properly decorous blogger demeanor*

We interrupt your regularly scheduled Saturday for some BOOK NEWS!!

This post does contain SPOILERS.

I'm sure the entire planet heard my squeeeing earlier this afternoon. Those of you who follow my personal twitter account know that it was related to my #BookJunkie ways. *bounces in seat, causing great difficulty with typing this post*

It is Black Dagger Brotherhood series related. Specifically... *quivers with excitement, breathes in paper bag to prevent hyperventilating* Lover Reborn news!!!

*pauses to allow for follower squeeing*

I learned that the first four chapters of Lover Reborn are available on!!!

*listens to thuds from around the world as followers faint from excitement*

Follow THIS link to the page and click on the 'read first chapter free' button under the book cover image to read the available chapters.

*lowers paper bag*

I've been VERY vocal in my displeasure with Tohr getting a book so soon. *completely ignores the fact that it has been six books and six years since the events in Lover Awakened* I personally don't know that I'm ready for Tohr's story, or to see him with anyone other than Wellsie. But, #BookJunkie and #BDBAddict that I am I read the dang chapters as soon as I learned about them. *clears throat, makes shifty eyes, mumbles* Twice. And I have to say, if the rest of the book continues the tone set by these chapters, then I have hope that Tohrment will get the book he deserves.

WARNING: Read these chapters at your own risk! Doing so will only exacerbate your desire to have Lover Reborn in your hands RIGHT NOW! #TrueFact

That's all I got, BtCers. I hope any who read it enjoy the preview... and all the new questions it will raise! *laughs*

Leave a comment telling me what you think of the glimpse we get into Lover Reborn, and what you're most excited, worried, curious or downright ticked about.

~ Louise